About Us
About the
The Sweet Julia Grace Foundation (SJGF), founded in 2014, and based in Bristow, VA, is a 501 (c) (3), non-profit organization.
SJGF was founded by Sara Knight in honor of Sara and Jason Knight’s daughter Julia, who passed away in 2013 due to complications of a rare disease called I-cell. Julia lived 12 beautiful years inspiring everyone who knew her, read about her, and loved her.
Despite the storms she faced, Julia learned how to “Dance In The Rain.” She lived in the moment, made life SWEET, and filled hearts with JOY…just by being her.
our original raindancer
Julia Grace knight
January 15, 2002-November 4, 2013
"Life isn’t about waiting for the storms to pass, it’s learning to dance in the rain." -Vivian Greene
Dancing in the rain was what Julia Grace did, every day of her life. Julia didn’t wait for her storms to pass; she spread love and joy to all those around her, despite what she was going through because of a rare disease called I-cell. For 12 years, Julia lived a medically fragile life with an infectious giggle and a beautiful smile that not only lit up the room, but every heart she touched as well.

a letter to Julia,
Our sweet, precious girl. How we miss your belly laughs, your smiles, your hugs, your eyes, your humor, your cuddles…your love…your everything. You were a shining light, a calm in our busy day, a sign of greater things. You taught us how to visit, how to slow down and enjoy one another, how to love unconditionally, how to have hope. The pain of missing you is under every smile, every day, every moment. But it is there because of the depth of our love for you. You changed our life, you changed many lives. You were a life changer, a Raindancer, a lover of music and dance, baths and your puppy, Tucker. You created new hobbies like “spinning” and knew how to boss people around, with a smile, just so you could get what you wanted. You loved your ‘Bubba’, and you were the best sister he could ever have. He was your hero, you were his princess, and always his #1 fan. We are glad for you, and happy you are now free of this world’s suffering. We miss you and will see you in a twinkling of an eye…so glad you were ours, and we were yours. We love & miss you sweet, beautiful girl.
Your Momma, Dada, & Bubba

This video, shared at Julia’s Celebration of Life service in 2013, celebrates Julia’s amazing life. SJGF honors her love for life, love of others, and beautiful legacy in all we do. She is loved and missed every moment of every day; and we are honored to love and serve others in her memory.
our mission
To Bless, Celebrate, and Love children who are medically fragile, have complex special/medical needs, or are currently facing a medical crisis.
We grant wishes that bring joy and change lives, fill in gaps other services are unable to fill, and provide support with day-to-day needs for families going through the unimaginable with their child.
The gifts we provide bring comfort and happiness; and oftentimes dramatically improve and change children’s lives.
We call the children we serve raindancers!

sjgf goes beyond
The support given by SJGF often goes BEYOND a one-time gift to a child facing a medical crisis or medically complex diagnosis. Gifts and special support are given to both the siblings and parents, and programs have been developed by SJGF so families can be properly supported for the long haul. Founder Sara Knight often tells a family when she meets them for the first time: “I hope you know you are stuck with us now.”
To which they often reply, “Good!”
sjgf is unique
Families in crisis hear ‘NO’ way too often and can spend months cutting through ‘red tape’ when it comes to the resources they desperately count on- like insurance and governmental support. We do our best to keep things as simple as we can, so we can say “YES” as often as possible!
SJGF has NO red tape, and no lengthy application process​
We are not diagnosis specific- if a family has received a medically complex diagnosis or is going through a medical crisis with their child, we are here to help
Children as young as newborns and as old as 18 qualify
We help children even if they have received gifts or wishes from other organizations
We are here for the long haul, and treat the families we serve like family
We provide holistic support to the entire family and are proud of the community we have created for the families we serve
We connect families with other programs and resources in the community that might also be able to help
We have become the ‘go-to’ for Doctors, Child Life Specialists, Therapist, Social Workers, and others in our local area- when they have a family in need or going through an emergency, they know they can count on SJGF to help
We help where & when others can’t or won’t

how you can help
There are many wonderful ways for you to ‘Join The Dance’ and help support our mission!
Our volunteers, partners, donors, and sponsors make it possible for us to help children, in the midst of a storm, dance in the rain. Because of people like you, we can do what we do! Let’s Dance!